Proton Model

The proton has 4 ports for the gravity dimensions and 4 ports for the electrical dimensions. See Figure 13

Helium 3 in Figure 13 has two protons

The top proton in Figure 13 has four dimensions of gravity:
x length into proton for gravity volume speed
y length into proton for gravity volume speed
z length into proton for gravity volume speed
t time out of proton for mass acceleration beyond volume speed The top proton in Figure 13 has four dimensions of electricity:
qx length out of proton for electricity volume speed
qy length out of proton for electricity volume speed
qz length out of proton for electricity volume speed
qt time into proton for charge acceleration beyond volume speed (beta label)
For more Figures, see this link to Magnets.
The proton radius is r and the proton volume is V
r = 0.95 * 10-15 meters
r (range from .84 to 1.0 fm from various experiments)
V = 3.591364 * 10-45 cubic meters
V = 4/3 pi r3 = volume of a proton or neutron
V is a new quantum number with a value found by collider experiments that found r
V and tau are the basis for many proton models
The Expansion of the Universe Balances Gravity The four dimensions x, y, z, and t interact with a proton or neutron to cause gravity and the expansion of the universe in one process. The internal process of the proton swaps dimensions. Space is consumed and swapped for time. The proton sends time outward and that expands the universe. The time flow from the proton is one dimension of the continuum and it takes 3D of space with it. That volume taken is proposed to be equal to a proton volume every tau time constant. Gravity shrinks space locally by that amount and expansion grows space by that amount in the distance. That is a process called graviticspansion.
January 6, 2016

The strong nuclear force is gravity, curved past each nucleon, making the nth derivative of time.

October 3, 2022

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