Equivalence Principle

Deriving the Equivalence Principle

The principle is derived by using the following concepts: Mass is an area presented by matter to the 4D continuum fluid. Mass is not energy. Mass does not cause gravity, it is affected by it. Space is treated as a liquid flowing into baryons. Time is treated as an omnidirectional outflow from baryons. All measurements are made relative to a material apparatus. Matter emits time radially at the speed c: the speed of reality. Matter consumes space radially at a constant volume per second. Any one of the 3 space dimensions involved in a measurement is entering the material test apparatus at the speed c.
After those basic concepts of Gravity Volume Theory are accepted. The derivation of the equivalence principle is possible.

The Equivalence Principle:
Gravitational mass has the same magnitude as the inertial mass which resists a change in motion. Force on a mass due to a changing velocity cannot be distinguished from a force due to gravity on a mass that is not changing its velocity. The effect of a uniform gravitational field on matter is equivalent to that which a velocity that is changing at a constant rate will produce on it in the absence of the field.

The Translated Equivalence Principle:
The area of matter presented to a gravitational field has the same magnitude as the area of matter presented to the 4D continuum fluid which makes it resist a change in motion. Force on an area due to a changing velocity cannot be distinguished from a force due to an area encountering a relative flow of space time for matter that is not changing its velocity. The effect of an externally caused constant relative flow of space time on matter is equivalent to that which a velocity that is changing at a constant rate will produce on it in the absence of an externally caused flow of space time.
The flow of space at a constant speed becomes an acceleration due to the contra flow of time. Acceleration of matter causes its area to encounter space in opposition and causes time to be emitted in the opposite direction. That is inertia.

The 4D continuum fluid can have motion relative to matter in two equivalent cases. First, gravity makes the continuum flow past a test object's area as an external cause of acceleration. Second, a local force on an object makes the object's area accelerate past the continuum and that causes inertia to oppose that force. In both cases, a flow of space time moves relative to the area of an objects baryons. That local flow of 4D continuum near a test mass is indistinguishable in the two cases. The area of matter's baryons is the same for gravity and inertia. The 4D continuum is the fluid involved in gravity and inertia. The equivalence principle is now explained amd derived from gravity volume theory. Past researchers did not believe that mass was only area and they deified mass to have many magical properties including energy and a Higgs complication. The apotheosis of mass has caused bafflement, but that has now been simplified. Mass is the area of baryons. The 4D continuum is a contra flow fluid.

October 12, 2016

One kilogram = 1 square meter + or - 1%
In Volume I it is written how to derive that mass has dimensions of square meters. It is derived 3 ways. Now, a new derivation is shown here.
Continuum Science has derived Newton's Big G by two methods. One method has mass in the formula. The second formula for G is based on geometry without mass being a factor in the cause of gravity. This also derives the absolute area of mass.
From The Law of Gravity.
g = (M/R2)* (V/(2πC0m)) = (MG/R2)
f = m2(M/R2)* (V/(2πC0m))

G = V/(2πC0m)

V = volume of proton
C0 = tau*secondds
m is proton mass
m2 is a test mass
M is planet mass

G = 3.09 cuberoot(V) / sqrt(5.13*10-9 second * second) * second
from Axiom Powers Theorem, Vol. I of Trilogy of Theoretical Physics (March 2015)
Set both equations equal to each other because G has 2 versions!
(V / (2 pi m tau))sec-1 = (3.1 cuberoot(V(t)) / sqrt(5.13*10-9 sec * sec) * sec)
Solve for m, the proton mass:
m = (V2/3 * 7.163473) / (3.09*2* pi * 5.131534 x 10^-4)
m = 1.686207 * 10-27 meter2
m is area, like was expected. But this time, tau was involved to derive "the mass equals area theory". And tau has credibility.
To convert kilograms to square meters, multiply by 1.0 for now. More scrutiny is continuing because it is so close to a perfect match of magnitudes. That was not expected, except that collider cross section averages also match as 16.7 barns.
December 26, 2015

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